2020 Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting postponed due to Covid Virus

Due to the Corona virus pandemic the 2020 Annual Meeting was cancelled. We expect health conditions to improve this year and will schedule the 2021 Annual Meeting for sometime in December 2021. Normal business, including elections will be on the agenda. We look forward to seeing everyone in December.

New Commissioners elected at 2019 meeting

At the 2019 Annual Meeting John Wickersham announced his retirement as Commission Chairman for the Acequia de La Puebla. We would like to thank him for the great job he did for multiple terms.
The new Commissioners elected from left to right in this picture are Karen Martinez - Treasurer, Tim Martinez - Chairman, former Mayordomo Alberto Duran, and Deborah Bennett - Secretary. 

New Mayordomo

The Acequia accepted the resignation of Mayordomo Alberto Duran early this year. The Commissioners went to work and were pleased to announce that Mark Herrera would take over as Mayordomo in time for the 2020 irrigation season.

Despite a wet winter we experienced a very dry summer. The Commissioners would like to thank Mark for doing an especially good job providing water in spite of the drought throughout the entire 2020 season. See more below in the Chairman's Report.

Lawsuit update

The commissioner’s met with the acequia attorney along with Mr. Virgil and Clyde Vigil and their attorney. We came to an agreement on how to dig out the arroyo and the Vigil’s paid all back dues and penalties. We are still working on having the Vigil’s meet the conditions of the agreement and dealing with a counterclaim the Vigil’s have filed.

Chairman's Report

In January or February, Mr. Duran notified the commissioners that he was no longer interested in being Mayordomo for the 2020 irrigation season. The commissioners contacted several folks to identify another Mayordomo and placed an ad in the Rio Grand Sun. After a few weeks, the commissioners were excited to announce that Mark Herrera was appointed the new Mayordomo. Mark helped Mr. Duran in prior seasons and was the best qualified person the step in.

The season started off with plenty of water and Mark did a great job cleaning the ditch and working with the parciantes. With the lack of rain during the year, the water level at the dam went down and water was restricted to three days a week. Mr. Herrera worked hard and many hours to insure the parciantes had water. The commissioner’s decided to give Mr. Herrera a couple of bonuses due to the workload Mark was working. Mark was given $200 for working with the Parciantes and $200 for providing spring water in the ditch on the days the dam was not open.

Treasurer's Report

Acequia de La Puebla Treasurer, Karen Martinez, has compiled a Financial Report for 2020. Income and expenses are broken down on a month to month basis for the year.

The Financial Report for November 2019 - November 2020is presented below:

November (2019)
Beginning balance: 21,576.74
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Stamps, Postcards for Annual Meeting: 97.10
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 455.36
Ending balance: 20,986.19

December (2019)
Beginning balance: 20,986.19
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 379.53
Ending balance: 20,568.57

January (2020)
Beginning balance: 20,568.57
Deposit: 887.12
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 1,385.37
Office Supplies: 17.34
Ending balance: 20,014.89

Beginning balance: 20,014.89
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 2021.05
Mayordomo/Acequia Cleaning: 300.00
Ending balance: 17,655.75

Beginning balance: 17,655.75
Deposits: 8,635.00
Bank fee, Tax: 5.44
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 6,665.33
P.O. Box Fee, Hydrographic Maps: 92.00
Mayordomo Supplies: 595.31
Mayordomo/acequia cleaning: 5212.50
Ending balance: 13,720.17

Beginning balance: 13,720.17
Deposits: 10,668.48
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 217.42
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Stamps, Toner, Envelopes: 152.17
Mayordomo/acequia cleaning: 1687.50
Ending balance: 22,293.47

Beginning balance: 22,293.47
Deposits: 7494.30
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 2565.36
Mayordomo: 600.00
Ending balance: 26,584.32

Beginning balance: 26,584.32
Deposits: 2,804.17
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 38.09
Phone Upgrade for Mayordomo: 68.44
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 793.78
Mayordomo: 1800.00
Ending balance: 26,688.18

Beginning balance: 26,688.18
Deposits: 469.50
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 39.29
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 547.00
Mayordomo: 1300.00
Ending balance: 25,271.39

Beginning balance: 25,271.39
Deposits: 294.00
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 39.27
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 569.30
Mayordomo: 1600.00
Ending balance: 23,356.82

Beginning balance: 23,356.82
Deposit: 1600.00
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 39.27
Sommer, Udall, Hardwick & Jones, PA: 121.44
Mayordomo: 2000.00
Ending balance: 22,796.11

Beginning balance: 22,796.11
Deposits: 99.00
Phone, Bank fee: 39.27
Mayordomo: 1600.00
Ending balance: 21,855.84

Beginning Balance: 21,855.84
Deposit: 50.00
Phone, Bank fee, Tax: 39.27
Mayordomo: 1000.00
Ending balance: 20,866.57